Jun 4, 2013

Modification of Paddle Ticket Failed in MN

The pursuit of a modification of the definition of paper paddle tickets in an attempt to allow electro-mechanically on-demand printed tickets failed in the Minnesota legislature.  This despite the wishes of the membership of the largest charitable gaming trade association in the state - Allied Charities of Minnesota.  It was handily muscled down by the tribes who it appeared to be very nervous over the possibility of electro-mechanically printed tickets becoming a dangerous competitor to their tribal casinos.  So, the greater security, lower cost of operation, greater efficiencies and ease of regulating and auditing modification to the method of ticketing wheel games for charitable organizations using gaming as a fundraising activity throughout Minnesota lost to unsubstantiated fear of competition by tribal casinos who operate electronic slot machines, "21" etc.  Rational?  No.  Amazing?  Yes.

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